
My Bubble collection is definitely inspired by the Liberty Style: its vivid colours recall the contrasts used during that period, in combinations such as gold with a bright red, bronze with green, and dark, cold and dissolved tones with cherry-like colours. The tiny bubbles too, joined to each other, create spectacular and dynamic geometrical patterns that wave around the wrist as a bracelet, and asymmetrically hang from the lobes as earrings.
Additionally, with the Bubble collection, I would like to share the purpose of that time’s artists to enhance craftsmanship, which, in my case, is exclusively performed in Milan’s Cinque Vie.
I believe that the added value of these jewels lies precisely in their finishing, deliberately left semi-polished, so that the work of artisans and goldsmiths is evident and distinctive. Eventually, the brush painted enamel is the final decorative touch that further highlights the artisanship behind all the stages of production.

My Bubble collection is definitely inspired by the Liberty Style: its vivid colours recall the contrasts used during that period, in combinations such as gold with a bright red, bronze with green, and dark, cold and dissolved tones with cherry-like colours. The tiny bubbles too, joined to each other, create spectacular and dynamic geometrical patterns that wave around the wrist as a bracelet, and asymmetrically hang from the lobes as earrings.
Additionally, with the Bubble collection, I would like to share the purpose of that time’s artists to enhance craftsmanship, which, in my case, is exclusively performed in Milan’s Cinque Vie.
I believe that the added value of these jewels lies precisely in their finishing, deliberately left semi-polished, so that the work of artisans and goldsmiths is evident and distinctive. Eventually, the brush painted enamel is the final decorative touch that further highlights the artisanship behind all the stages of production.

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Enamel color